Analysis of Domestic Airline Cancellation and Delays (2009-2018)
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While going through the variables of the dataset, it was realized that the solutions for the following questions could be obtained by analyzing the dataset:
An in-depth analysis was carried out to obtain the following insights from the data.
WITH top_5_airports AS ( SELECT ORIGIN, COUNT(ORIGIN) AS count FROM airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data GROUP BY 1 HAVING count > 100000 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5 ), top_5_airlines AS ( SELECT OP_CARRIER, COUNT(OP_CARRIER) AS count FROM airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data main, top_5_airports top5 WHERE top5.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5 ), airportwise_carrier_cnt AS ( SELECT main.ORIGIN AS Airport, main.OP_CARRIER AS Carrier, COUNT(*) AS count FROM airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data main, top_5_airports top5_ap, top_5_airlines top_al WHERE top5_ap.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN AND top_al.OP_CARRIER = main.OP_CARRIER GROUP BY 1, 2 ), resut_cte AS ( SELECT Airport, Carrier, count, RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY Airport ORDER BY count) AS rank FROM airportwise_carrier_cnt ) SELECT Airport, Carrier, count FROM resut_cte WHERE rank < 6
WITH top_5_airports AS ( SELECT ORIGIN, COUNT(ORIGIN) AS count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5 ), top_5_airlines AS ( SELECT OP_CARRIER, COUNT(OP_CARRIER) AS count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5 WHERE top5.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5), all_flights AS ( SELECT main.ORIGIN AS Airport, main.OP_CARRIER AS Carrier, COUNT(*) AS all_cnt FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5_ap, top_5_airlines top_al WHERE top5_ap.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN AND top_al.OP_CARRIER = main.OP_CARRIER GROUP BY 1, 2 ), cancelled_flights AS ( SELECT main.ORIGIN AS Airport, main.OP_CARRIER AS Carrier, COUNT(*) AS cancelled_cnt FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5_ap, top_5_airlines top_al WHERE top5_ap.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN AND top_al.OP_CARRIER = main.OP_CARRIER AND cancelled = 1 GROUP BY 1, 2 ) SELECT af.Airport, af.Carrier, af.all_cnt - cf.cancelled_cnt AS all_cnt, cf.cancelled_cnt FROM all_flights af, cancelled_flights cf WHERE af.Airport = cf.Airport AND af.Carrier = cf.Carrier
S No. | Airport Code | Airport Name | Cancellation (in %) |
1. | ORD | (O’Hare International Airport) | 39 |
2. | DFW | (Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport) | 28.5 |
3. | ATL | (Hartsfield-Jackson Atlanta International Airport) | 14.9 |
4. | DEN | (Denver International Airport) | 9.8 |
5. | LAX | (Los Angeles International Airport) | 7.9 |
Query - JS UDF Function
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION cancellation_reason(code string) RETURNS string LANGUAGE js AS """ switch(code) { case "A": return "Airline/Carrier"; break; case "B": return "Weather"; break; case "C": return "National Air System"; break; case "D": return "Security"; break; default: return "Others"; break; } """; WITH top_5_airports AS ( SELECT ORIGIN, COUNT(ORIGIN) AS count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` GROUP BY 1 HAVING count > 100000 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5 ) SELECT top5.ORIGIN, cancellation_reason(main.CANCELLATION_CODE) AS reason, COUNT(main.CANCELLATION_CODE) AS count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5 WHERE CANCELLED = 1 AND EXTRACT(year FROM FL_DATE) = 2018 AND top5.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN GROUP BY 1, 2 ORDER BY 1, 2
S No. | Reason | Cancellation (in %) |
1. | Weather | 53.7 |
2. | Airline/Carrier Delays | 25.4 |
3. | National Air System | 20.9 |
4. | Airport Secutiy | 0.01 (~ 0) |
S No. | Reason | Cancellation (in %) |
1. | Weather | 74.6 |
2. | Airline/Carrier Delays | 17.4 |
3. | National Air System | 8 |
WITH top_5_airports AS ( SELECT ORIGIN, COUNT(ORIGIN) AS count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5 ), top_5_airlines AS ( SELECT OP_CARRIER, COUNT(OP_CARRIER) AS count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5 WHERE top5.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN GROUP BY 1 ORDER BY 2 DESC LIMIT 5), all_flights AS ( SELECT main.ORIGIN AS Airport, main.OP_CARRIER AS Carrier, COUNT(*) AS all_cnt FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5_ap, top_5_airlines top_al WHERE top5_ap.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN AND top_al.OP_CARRIER = main.OP_CARRIER GROUP BY 1, 2 ), delayed_flights AS ( SELECT main.ORIGIN AS Airport, main.OP_CARRIER AS Carrier, COUNT(*) AS delayed_cnt FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` main, top_5_airports top5_ap, top_5_airlines top_al WHERE top5_ap.ORIGIN = main.ORIGIN AND top_al.OP_CARRIER = main.OP_CARRIER AND (CARRIER_DELAY IS NOT NULL AND CARRIER_DELAY > 0 OR ARR_DELAY IS NOT NULL AND ARR_DELAY > 0) GROUP BY 1, 2 ) SELECT af.Airport, af.Carrier, af.all_cnt all_with_del, df.delayed_cnt, af.all_cnt - df.delayed_cnt AS all_without_del FROM all_flights af, delayed_flights df WHERE af.Airport = df.Airport AND af.Carrier = df.Carrier
Next we find out the time period with maximum delays and cancellations together.
WITH cancellation_data AS ( SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM FL_DATE) AS year, COUNT(*) AS cancellation_cnt FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` WHERE CANCELLED = 1 GROUP BY year ORDER BY year ), delayed_data AS ( SELECT EXTRACT(year FROM FL_DATE) AS year, COUNT(*) AS delay_cnt FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` WHERE (CARRIER_DELAY IS NOT NULL AND CARRIER_DELAY > 0 OR ARR_DELAY IS NOT NULL AND ARR_DELAY > 0) GROUP BY year ORDER BY year ) SELECT c.year, c.cancellation_cnt, d.delay_cnt FROM cancellation_data c, delayed_data d WHERE c.year = d.year ORDER BY c.year
Overall Cancellation/Delays Yearwise
We realize that 2018 is the year of maximum delays and cancellations
S No. | Year | Cancellations (in thousand) |
1. | 2009 | 87 |
2. | 2010 | 113 |
3. | 2011 | 116 |
4. | 2012 | 93 |
5. | 2013 | 96 |
6. | 2014 | 126 |
7. | 2015 | 89 |
8. | 2016 | 65 |
9. | 2017 | 82 |
10. | 2018 | 116 |
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION delay_bifurcation(slot_cnt ARRAY<STRUCT<slot int64,count int64>>)
RETURNS STRUCT<cnt_1_30 float64, cnt_30_2 float64, cnt_2_5 float64, cnt_5_24 float64, cnt_24 float64>
let response = {"cnt_1_30": 0.0, "cnt_30_2": 0.0, "cnt_2_5": 0.0, "cnt_5_24": 0.0, "cnt_24": 0.0}
for(let i = 0 ; i < slot_cnt.length; i++){
let slotCntObj = slot_cnt[i];
let result = slotCntObj.count;
case 1:
response["cnt_1_30"] = result;
case 2:
response["cnt_30_2"] = result;
case 3:
response["cnt_2_5"] = result;
case 4:
response["cnt_5_24"] = result;
case 5:
response["cnt_24"] = result;
response["cnt_1_30"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_30_2"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_2_5"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_5_24"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_24"] = 0.0;
return response
WITH top_5_airports as (
SELECT ORIGIN, count(ORIGIN) as count
FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data`
Group by 1
having count > 100000
order by 2 desc
limit 5
delay_bifurcation as (
select ORIGIN,
(case when ARR_DELAY > 1440 then 5
when ARR_DELAY > 300 then 4
when ARR_DELAY > 240 then 3
when ARR_DELAY > 30 then 2
else 1 end) as slot
from `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data`
where ARR_DELAY is not null and ARR_DELAY > 0
-- and EXTRACT(year FROM FL_DATE) = 2018
airport_timeslots as(
select db.ORIGIN, db.slot, count(db.slot) as count
from delay_bifurcation db,top_5_airports top5
where top5.ORIGIN = db.ORIGIN
group by 1,2),
airport_struct as(
select origin, struct(slot,count) as slot_cnt from airport_timeslots
udf_result as (select origin, delay_bifurcation(ARRAY_AGG(slot_cnt)) as slot_struct
from airport_struct
group by 1
select origin, slot_struct.cnt_1_30 as cnt_1_30min,
slot_struct.cnt_30_2 as cnt_30min_2hr,
slot_struct.cnt_2_5 as cnt_2_5hr,
slot_struct.cnt_5_24 as cnt_5hr_1d,
slot_struct.cnt_24 as cnt_1d_more
from udf_result
CREATE TEMP FUNCTION delay_bifurcation(slot_cnt ARRAY<STRUCT<slot int64,count int64>>)
RETURNS STRUCT<cnt_1_30 float64, cnt_30_2 float64, cnt_2_5 float64, cnt_5_24 float64, cnt_24 float64>
let response = {"cnt_1_30": 0.0, "cnt_30_2": 0.0, "cnt_2_5": 0.0, "cnt_5_24": 0.0, "cnt_24": 0.0}
let total_delayed_flights = 0;
for(let i = 0 ; i < slot_cnt.length; i++){
total_delayed_flights += parseInt(slot_cnt[i].count);
for(let i = 0 ; i < slot_cnt.length; i++){
let slotCntObj = slot_cnt[i];
let result = parseFloat(parseInt(slotCntObj.count) / total_delayed_flights * 100).toFixed(2);
case 1:
response["cnt_1_30"] = result;
case 2:
response["cnt_30_2"] = result;
case 3:
response["cnt_2_5"] = result;
case 4:
response["cnt_5_24"] = result;
case 5:
response["cnt_24"] = result;
response["cnt_1_30"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_30_2"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_2_5"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_5_24"] = 0.0;
response["cnt_24"] = 0.0;
return response
WITH top_5_airports as (
SELECT ORIGIN, count(ORIGIN) as count
FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data`
Group by 1
having count > 100000
order by 2 desc
limit 5
delay_bifurcation as (
select ORIGIN,
(case when ARR_DELAY > 1440 then 5
when ARR_DELAY > 300 then 4
when ARR_DELAY > 240 then 3
when ARR_DELAY > 30 then 2
else 1 end) as slot
from `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data`
where ARR_DELAY is not null and ARR_DELAY > 0
-- and EXTRACT(year FROM FL_DATE) = 2018 -- used for filtering
airport_timeslots as(
select db.ORIGIN, db.slot, count(db.slot) as count
from delay_bifurcation db,top_5_airports top5
where top5.ORIGIN = db.ORIGIN
group by 1,2),
airport_struct as(
select origin, struct(slot,count) as slot_cnt from airport_timeslots
udf_result as (select origin, delay_bifurcation(ARRAY_AGG(slot_cnt)) as slot_struct
from airport_struct
group by 1
select origin, slot_struct.cnt_1_30 as prcnt_1_30min,
slot_struct.cnt_30_2 as prcnt_30min_2hr,
slot_struct.cnt_2_5 as prcnt_2_5hr,
slot_struct.cnt_5_24 as prcnt_5hr_1d,
slot_struct.cnt_24 as prcnt_1d_more
from udf_result
WITH cancelled_count_cte AS ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY cancelled_count) AS RANK FROM ( SELECT FORMAT_DATE('%B', FL_DATE) AS month, SUM(CANCELLED) AS cancelled_count FROM `airline-delay-canc.airlines_data.delay_canc_data` WHERE EXTRACT(year FROM FL_DATE) = 2018 GROUP BY 1) ) SELECT month, cancelled_count FROM cancelled_count_cte ORDER BY rank DESC